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Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why I am running the Marathon

I have embarked on an insane goal which for many years seemed unattainable/unthinkable... To run the 2009 ING NY Marathon. (It seems odd just seeing it in writing.) Why, may you ask, (a perfectly valid question for all those that know me.)

The short answer: To see if it can be done.

The long answer:

I hate running. I hate the pain that it gives my body. I hate the pain in my bones that I feel, the muscle aches and shortness of breath. I hate waking up at 6am on Thursdays, 8am on Saturdays (and not going out drinking Friday night) and running on Sundays. I hate the way it makes me feel while I run, but nothing in the world can describe the feeling of accomplishment when you cross that finish line.

Our entire life is a marathon. We spend ample energy and time sacrificing ourselves for a better tomorrow: school, work, financial Independence, finding ms./mr.. perfect, creating a family etc. Every time we reach one goal, we never stop to look back and realize our accomplishment, because we are already on to the next thing. Never do we stop to appreciate the current moment of time we find ourselves in. We are in a constant rat race with ourselves that seems to never end.

I am running the marathon because for the first time in my life I'm living in the moment, where every strike of my heel gets me one step closer to my impossible goal.

I am running the marathon because never in my life, have I found something as pure as running where the effort you exert, is directly proportional to your performance.

I am running the marathon because the distance of 26.2m (42.2km) allows for nothing less than to be disciplined and focused.

I am running the marathon for my parents, because in their entire lives they have ran 1,000 marathons for my sister and I.

I am running the marathon for loved ones that are no longer with us though I carry them with me no matter where I go.

I am running the marathon for all the people that I have met in my life that couldn't as they are too sick or too poor to even care about such useless endeavors.
I am running the marathon for Team for Kids, to inspire children to play outside rather than siting in front of a tv.

I am running the marathon for myself, to prove that I can.

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